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Mar 7, 2018


There is a lie we believe...Even when we "talk a good talk", the lie is often still deeply embedded in our conscience.

We think we're supposed to have achieved certain things by a certain age or stage of life.  Our culture assigns these milestones that become deeply ingrained.  Oh, sure - they change a bit from generation to generation, but they're always there.  What you are supposed to do by "this" age or in "that" decade of life.

However, it simply isn't so.  

I'm tempted, sometimes, to berate myself....

"I should've done ____ ten years ago."

"We should've done _____ before we started our family." or "before we got married."

"It's too late to learn that now."

"I'm too old to do that now."

"It's too late to achieve this goal.  I should just give up."

Then, there's the "mom" guilt : "If I reach for this dream or work towards that goal, I may somehow damage my children.  So, I'll just stick with the status quo..."  (Ummm, What about "balance", My Friend?)

JUST STOP RIGHT THERE!  Is there still breath in your lungs?  Is your brain still functioning and your heart still beating?  Then, dare to pursue your dream, no matter what "they" say!

I'm so very glad I never gave up my desire to participate in global missions, firsthand.  Though, I had some fears and apprehensions...though I had to wait more than a decade since I first felt that desire, I did not succumb to those internal voices of negativity...

And, what an incredible blessing! My Guatemala trip!  In innumerable ways!  It has given me so many things to reflect upon...given me new perspective on life.

I've been savoring the special moments that occurred throughout that week - too many to share in a blog post, but I'd be more than happy to talk about it with anyone willing to listen!

I had another great experience recently...

...It was not really about the destination, but about the journey...

I traversed to New York City, at my manager's persistent request, for a day with her and my comrades from the salon for the International Beauty Show and some sight-seeing. Rode the subway for the first time ever! (I'm so glad she swayed me to go!)

There's a very different kind of beauty...and depravity...than what I observed in Guatemala.

Anyway, even now...now that I am licensed in two states and practicing cosmetology for well over a year...I sometimes struggle with thoughts of being too old or not good enough. Or, not having enough "healthy years" left to perfect my chosen art.

"By the time you actually get really good at this, you'll have arthritic hands and failing eyesight, so why bother?" says that painful, nagging whisper in my head.

HUSH, You lying voice of negativity!!

I choose to make the most of this opportunity to start a new career at 40+ years of age.  I embrace the fact that most of my co-workers (including those currently) will be closer to my children's ages than mine throughout this career!  I am quite blessed to share the salon floor with a couple of "good 'uns" in this current culture that accepts mediocrity and less-than-stellar work ethic.

In fact, at present, due to some recent personnel changes at Holiday Hair, my 22-year old co-worker just became my salon manager.  Many folks at my age and stage in life would struggle with this. Would think they are above operating under one so young and lacking life experience.

To tell ya the truth, I did, too, for about a day. (I admit: ego and pride, temporarily, got the better of me!)

But, ya know what?  Brittani is a super gal, a terrific stylist with tons of leadership potential and a kind heart.  Given the right support and encouragement, I believe she will be a great manager!  So, I chose to be that person.  A source of encouragement and strength and wisdom for her.

Today, I am savoring the moments shared with my fellow stylists in NYC, my fellow team members in Guatemala, my family members in this "home improvement" adventure...

...as I curl up on the couch to enjoy a cup of real Guatemalan coffee and watch this last hoorah of winter - giant, fluffy, ivory flakes falling heavily - between loads of laundry.

For some it is all about the destination.  As for me, I will choose to focus on the journey.  Soak in these rich experiences offered me.

My unsolicited words of wisdom for today?

  • Embrace the opportunities presented to you, no matter your age. 
  • Don't believe that "Debbie-downer" voice that creeps into your mind.  Catch "her", and dismiss her quickly. 
  • Choose to be that person. The voice of inspiration and encouragement to others.
  • Love the people placed in your path, and...
  • Savor the moments you share with them!

Next post:  An update on our home and property adventures! (Yes, the bedrooms are finally underway!!) And, I'll share a bit about an exciting opportunity of Rosie's coming up...

1 comment:

  1. There is a lot of truth in what you say. I often think what would I do if I had no fear of failure or rejection?
