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Jan 30, 2017

Follow My Feet...Into the Woods!

End of January...already!  Seems like this month has flown by!

In typical Central New York fashion, we've had the oddest weather...

Winter began early with snow and cold temps. in November and December, but January has been rather mild -not too much snow, and many days in the upper-30's! (But a pathetic lack of sunshine, sadly.)

Here, at the end of the month, we are having more snow showers.  It's no secret that I am NOT a huge fan of winter, however, there's nothing like a walk in the woods and around the property when snow is falling gently...when the only signs of life out there are the soft, white tracks of little critters among the trees and across the paths.

I'm not exactly sure what it is that draws me out there nearly every day, no matter the weather...is it the majesty of the huge trees, the peace, the signs of wildlife, the joy of watching my dogs...dog...bound happily through the trees after squirrels?  It is all of those things.  

But, most importantly, my Lord and savior always draws me into a time of prayer while I'm out there...a relatively uninterrupted piece of my day shared with Him...sometimes involving an intense discussion between us for a half hour or so.

Today, I took my camera along to share this peaceful time with you, as the clouds came and went... and the snow fell quietly.

No offers on our house just yet.  On the one hand, I'm a wee bit anxious about this.  On the other hand, I know that I still have one more test to complete before I can receive my permanent cosmetology license for New York, and I have nearly 100 more hours to work in this state before I can begin the process of becoming licensed to practice in Pennsylvania.  Yes, another test and more money will be involved, unfortunately, but, I really want to be able to bless people with my new skills, so I will "Keep Moving Forward!"

Today's "discussion" in the woods revolved around trusting God's timing in all things.  While I am still hoping for a mid-April moving date, I know that that may not be part of His plan...so I will trust and wait.  

William is still waiting on medical approval from the army, before he can move forward with his enlistment.  

Nate, however, is moving forward...I'm pleased to share to that he was offered a position in a welding shop!  He's been in his own little holding pattern lately, knowing he wanted to learn more, to grow his "marketable skills", but not sure which direction to go. 

 I'm so glad he has a heading now!  He starts his new adventure next Monday.

The girls work diligently at their studies and help me manage our home, since I am working at a local MasterCuts salon roughly 25 hours each week now.  Rosie still helps out at the animal shelter each Saturday morning. Grace is anxiously awaiting our move, so she can get her PA driver's license and begin working part-time, again, herself.

Tig has adjusted to being an only dog, but we definitely have to find ways to help him burn off some extra energy that normally would have gone into wrestling with the others or running laps around the house while playing "keep away" with their favorite toy.  

His need for exercise, and to just be a dog, is another thing that draws me outdoors no matter the weather.  It still feels so strange to me some days...not having Ginger and Mac around.  

Even the kids will mention little things... for example, Rosie observed a few days ago that she didn't vacuum up nearly as much dog hair as usual. 

And, Will noticed how comfortable the cats have made themselves indoors. Especially Bugsy (who was previously terrified of the dogs), now that he only has one dog to contend with.  Well, as least the cats only want to be inside on the coldest and wettest days, usually!

It feels a bit strange....not prepping for maple season about now.  But, it's okay.  We're prepping for our new adventures...if not physically, mentally, at least!  

And, I'm actually enjoying this winter, knowing that, while the average snowfall up here is 94 inches per year and the average winter temps. are in the teens, I'm soon moving back to my own "neck of the woods", where the average snowfall is barely 20 inches per year and the temps are about 10-12 degrees warmer than here on any given day! 

Keep watching for updates on our adventure, as we "follow our feet" towards life's next journey!

 Here are a couple more snowy photos from my hike today....

Stay Warm, My Friends!  The days are getting longer as I write!

Jan 18, 2017

The Visionary Has A Vision

Yup.  You read that correctly...my visionary husband is at it again!

When he found this property in central New York he had a vision for it.  I couldn't really see it at first....okay, for the first year and half!  

While the house was in pretty good shape, the surrounding property and barn were quite a disaster.

We worked steadily towards his vision for a bit, then I began to see what he saw.  Now, I'm quite fond of this peaceful little slice of heaven, and I hope someone else will appreciate it as much as I do.

December 26, 2016

Meanwhile, down in Pennsylvania, Don believes he's found the perfect property for us only about 45 minutes from my in-laws and parents...only you have to look past the surface...again.  He promises me it's going to be our own customized, lovely 7.2 acre-haven... if I just give him a chance...if I can just wrap my head around his vision.

I used to become greatly overwhelmed by this.  In the past, his visions and plans sometimes got very messy...sometimes didn't work out for the best.

But, the worst thing you can do to a visionary is block them from pursuing their ideas...from realizing their visions...insist that they be a "Steady Eddie".

And, since one of things I have always admired...adored... about Don is his ability to see what something or someone can become, and his passion to make it happen...

With age, experience, wisdom, and a much deeper faith in Christ, he takes much more calculated risks nowadays.

This one is another biggie... however, I have a sense of vision about it as well after he showed me the property this weekend.  I can see the amazing potential it has.

But, there's gonna be ALOT of work to reach it!

At just over 7 acres it is spacious and open, but bordered by trees that make it feel very private...tucked away from the rest of the world.  However, it is just a few miles from a major shopping area and many businesses.

This time, the property needs only a bit of clean up, mowing, updating fencing, some minor work on the adorable 3-stall barn outside...But, the house?  Yeah, that needs to be gutted...completely remodeled.  However, for the cost of the property, we should be able to afford to do it modestly, and do it well.  

Don met the current owner, the son of the older couple who lived here their entire adult lives.  He inherited it when his mom passed away.  He thinks Don is just the person to bring his parents' farmette back to what it once was many years ago.  In fact, there are a couple of old photos still hanging in the house depicting its beauty in the 1970's!

Still waiting for an offer on our NY property, though.

We're in this...this...holding pattern right now. We can feel that we are of the edge of some major changes...some expected, and some unexpected. It's like teetering on the top crest of a roller coaster, anticipating the drop.  When it happens, just like it often does for us Westbrooks, things will fall into place quickly, like a near-vertical drop...well, sometimes it's more of a corkscrew (If you've been around long enough, you know what I mean!).

I said before that I would share the good, the bad and the ugly side of this journey, so here we go...right?  

This just may become our "dream home".  Don't know, yet.  Just....waiting.  (A little torturous for us "firstborns", lacking in the patience department!)

In the meantime, Don works hard at his new career in PA, loving all the opportunities to problem-solve and apply the knowledge and skills he's accumulated over the last 20+ years.  And, I am working diligently at becoming the best hairstylist I can be, as well as homeschooling the girls.  It is very challenging, only seeing one another on the weekends, but we will endure!

A friend of mine posted this scripture on Facebook recently and it was a great reminder to me, so I thought I'd share it here:
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Jesus Christ.  Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think on these things." 
Philippians 4:6-8

Jan 6, 2017

And, Then There Was One

John 14:27 
"I am leaving you with a gift---peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid."

I barely recall the time in my life, B.D....before dogs. 

Faithful, loving companions.  

Comforters without question.  

Fierce protectors of the family.

Fascinating entertainers.

Our first, CJ, our beloved golden retriever, came into our lives when I was 24 years old and a new mom.  Don wanted a dog so badly, I just couldn't protest once we moved into our first house.

Since then, there has been Ginger, Buddy, Mac... now, Tig.  There was Scooter, who was ours for only three weeks, then hit by a truck in front of our home, sadly.

And,  we even raised a service pup for a year back in the 90's, named Gage.

When I adopted Tig nearly three years ago, Don said, "Ya know, you're moving into the "crazy dog lady" category with three at once.

I just laughed.

My rationale went something like this:
       1.  I've been really wanting an Aussie shepherd for a couple years....so different from the labs.  And, Brianne is exactly the kind of breeder I prefer to support.
       2.  Ginger is a "senior dog" about now, so Mac is going to need a young, active buddy for the next 7 or 8 years.

Who knew?  Who could've ever predicted this little nightmare we've been living the last 8 days?  I knew my days were quite limited with Ginger, but it happened so suddenly.  And, then....for Mac to become critically ill the next day?

Part of me is tempted to beat myself up over it.

Especially, Mac.

In hindsight, all the signs of the Lyme disease and the kidney troubles have been there for several weeks...maybe even a couple of months.  But, they were so subtle, and I've been so distracted and busy lately.  I never put the pieces of that puzzle together.

I have 13 years of memories with Ginger and just over six with Mac, so in that I am dearly blessed. Don has some fond memories of hunting with both dogs,.  And the kids...they basically grew up with Ginger and Mac!

Mac and Ginger thought they'd already gone to heaven when we moved up here...hours of playing, running and rolling in the woods, swimming in their own pond, chasing little critters, hiking with their "pack" at all kinds of cool parks...

But, already it feels so weird...I'm not accustomed to NOT tripping over dogs in the kitchen, or having all three of them beside me when no one else is home, or I'm not feeling well.  Not having them lying on the floor around the table at meals, hoping for a little scrap from someone... ehem, Don!

And, Tig has no clue how to be an "only dog".  I may have to find some doggie friends for him and set up playdates or something!  He is grieving as well, right now, so we'll have to address that in a few weeks.  For now, he's sticking very close to me....and to Grace when I can't be at home.

Darn it!  I'm supposed to be enjoying the fact that today is my last day in cosmetology school!  That I can, legally, practice cosmetology and get paid for it!  Yet, all I feel is this....heaviness.  The overbearing weight of sorrow...

I'm sure time will heal all of our hearts.  And, when that happens, at the right time, another sweet canine companion will come into our family.  For now, I will enjoy Tig's company to the fullest.

Thank you all for your many prayers.  For your understanding and empathy.  Dogs are not people, but they are still a big part of my family.  They have...and will continue to....enrich our lives in so many ways!

Thank you.  Rest in peace, Ginger and Mac.

Jan 1, 2017

New Year, Fresh Start

Well, here we are....on the threshold of 2017!  2016 was chock-full of ups and downs, wasn't it?  Many surprises, some good, some bad.  Some doors opened and some doors closed.

2016 presented many of us with loss...loss of loved ones and beloved pets, loss of employment, loss of many cultural icons for us children of the 70's and 80's. Loss of relationships due to strong political opinions. Diagnosis of an illness that threatens a comfortable life....You get my point.

We could choose to dwell on all that...that... crap.  Today, we could bitterly say goodbye to 2016, licking our wounds, feeling like victims...

...Or, we can take a look at all the things we've learned from the tough stuff AND the good stuff... all the good memories we've collected from sweet little "everyday" moments to those special highlights of our year....


I'm not really into the whole making New Year resolutions-thing, but I have made a few for this year:

  •  Listen more, talk less.
  •  Don't fret about tomorrow (or next week), but be present TODAY.
  •  Notice and appreciate the small things, just as much as the big things.
  •  Truly notice and love all the dear individuals in my life, even those that I only interact with       for a few moments and may never see again.
  •  Pray often and spend more time in God's Word than I did last year.  
  •  Keep the lines of communication between me and my Savior wide open!

Loss and pain are simply one component of this life.  How we choose to deal with it is up to us.  I choose HOPE.

Our family will keep moving forward.  As many of you know, we are going to be moving back to Pennsylvania in 2017.  Exactly when remains to be seen, but the goal is spring.  We decided to do this after learning that Don's mom has Huntington's disease.

Don believes he has found the right property for us near Reading, PA, which is roughly 35 miles from our old stomping grounds.  Given the cost of real estate in Chester and Lancaster Counties, we decided Berks County was worth a look.  I'm good with that!  A 50-minute drive to see family and friends sure as heck beats nearly 5 hours!

If the weather cooperates, I'll get to see this property Don likes in a couple of weeks.

Our house has been on the market for nearly three weeks, now.  We've had some interest.  In fact, a showing tomorrow, I believe!  No offers, yet, though.  

I graduate from my cosmetology program later this week!  Looking forward to my time as a stylist at Mastercuts Salon in Ithaca.  While the 40-minute drive is definitely not ideal, I really like the women with whom I work, and I know I am learning so much from them.  I will be alittle sad to leave them when we move, but I'm trusting that God will open another door for me.

Once again, both of my girls are doing home education.  Public high school turned out not to be what Grace thought it would.  Everyone is much happier with this situation.

While Nathaniel, who currently works in waste water management in PA, is eagerly awaiting the rest of us moving back there, William has chosen to enlist in the U.S. Army! He is in the process of choosing his specialty job, then we'll know when he'll be leaving for basic training.  

Classified Tech, aka Isaac, is growing well. (If you are unfamiliar with this gem of a story, please refer to June 2016 in my previous blog!) He's such a handsome horse!  

We arrived at this home with 4 horses, we'll be leaving with three. The only common denominator is Lexie!  Sassy and Isaac are 2015-2016 additions.

Sadly, Ginger passed away yesterday. Not exactly sure what/why it happened. Although she's had some gastro-intestinal problems more frequently in the last 8 months or so, we don't believe that is what caused her passing.  

Because of her very rapid decline over 48 hours, and the fact that she was MIA for about 20 minutes a few days ago, we believe she ate something toxic on our neighbor's property.  

She was a faithful canine companion for nearly 13 years, so this is quite a blow to our family.  We are all grieving her loss right now, especially me and Mac.

We came to NY with two canine companions, and hopefully, we'll leave here with two: Mac and Tig. Unfortunately, Mac has been vomiting for the last 24 hours, too!  Doesn't seem to be as bad as Ginger, but we will probably be taking a run to the vet today.  Please say a pray for us. Losing one dog is hard enough, I can't even bear the thought of losing two so suddenly.

Lord, have mercy, please!

In this new blog, I'll share our progress with the move, my daily life, our hikes, special occasions... my thoughts and reflections on this messy life... And, of course, PHOTOS!  (If you are an animal lover and/or outdoors lover, I share many photos of both!)  

So, join me for the next year or so...for the sequel to my blog, Westbrook Farm!