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Jan 30, 2017

Follow My Feet...Into the Woods!

End of January...already!  Seems like this month has flown by!

In typical Central New York fashion, we've had the oddest weather...

Winter began early with snow and cold temps. in November and December, but January has been rather mild -not too much snow, and many days in the upper-30's! (But a pathetic lack of sunshine, sadly.)

Here, at the end of the month, we are having more snow showers.  It's no secret that I am NOT a huge fan of winter, however, there's nothing like a walk in the woods and around the property when snow is falling gently...when the only signs of life out there are the soft, white tracks of little critters among the trees and across the paths.

I'm not exactly sure what it is that draws me out there nearly every day, no matter the weather...is it the majesty of the huge trees, the peace, the signs of wildlife, the joy of watching my dogs...dog...bound happily through the trees after squirrels?  It is all of those things.  

But, most importantly, my Lord and savior always draws me into a time of prayer while I'm out there...a relatively uninterrupted piece of my day shared with Him...sometimes involving an intense discussion between us for a half hour or so.

Today, I took my camera along to share this peaceful time with you, as the clouds came and went... and the snow fell quietly.

No offers on our house just yet.  On the one hand, I'm a wee bit anxious about this.  On the other hand, I know that I still have one more test to complete before I can receive my permanent cosmetology license for New York, and I have nearly 100 more hours to work in this state before I can begin the process of becoming licensed to practice in Pennsylvania.  Yes, another test and more money will be involved, unfortunately, but, I really want to be able to bless people with my new skills, so I will "Keep Moving Forward!"

Today's "discussion" in the woods revolved around trusting God's timing in all things.  While I am still hoping for a mid-April moving date, I know that that may not be part of His plan...so I will trust and wait.  

William is still waiting on medical approval from the army, before he can move forward with his enlistment.  

Nate, however, is moving forward...I'm pleased to share to that he was offered a position in a welding shop!  He's been in his own little holding pattern lately, knowing he wanted to learn more, to grow his "marketable skills", but not sure which direction to go. 

 I'm so glad he has a heading now!  He starts his new adventure next Monday.

The girls work diligently at their studies and help me manage our home, since I am working at a local MasterCuts salon roughly 25 hours each week now.  Rosie still helps out at the animal shelter each Saturday morning. Grace is anxiously awaiting our move, so she can get her PA driver's license and begin working part-time, again, herself.

Tig has adjusted to being an only dog, but we definitely have to find ways to help him burn off some extra energy that normally would have gone into wrestling with the others or running laps around the house while playing "keep away" with their favorite toy.  

His need for exercise, and to just be a dog, is another thing that draws me outdoors no matter the weather.  It still feels so strange to me some days...not having Ginger and Mac around.  

Even the kids will mention little things... for example, Rosie observed a few days ago that she didn't vacuum up nearly as much dog hair as usual. 

And, Will noticed how comfortable the cats have made themselves indoors. Especially Bugsy (who was previously terrified of the dogs), now that he only has one dog to contend with.  Well, as least the cats only want to be inside on the coldest and wettest days, usually!

It feels a bit strange....not prepping for maple season about now.  But, it's okay.  We're prepping for our new adventures...if not physically, mentally, at least!  

And, I'm actually enjoying this winter, knowing that, while the average snowfall up here is 94 inches per year and the average winter temps. are in the teens, I'm soon moving back to my own "neck of the woods", where the average snowfall is barely 20 inches per year and the temps are about 10-12 degrees warmer than here on any given day! 

Keep watching for updates on our adventure, as we "follow our feet" towards life's next journey!

 Here are a couple more snowy photos from my hike today....

Stay Warm, My Friends!  The days are getting longer as I write!

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