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Jan 6, 2017

And, Then There Was One

John 14:27 
"I am leaving you with a gift---peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid."

I barely recall the time in my life, B.D....before dogs. 

Faithful, loving companions.  

Comforters without question.  

Fierce protectors of the family.

Fascinating entertainers.

Our first, CJ, our beloved golden retriever, came into our lives when I was 24 years old and a new mom.  Don wanted a dog so badly, I just couldn't protest once we moved into our first house.

Since then, there has been Ginger, Buddy, Mac... now, Tig.  There was Scooter, who was ours for only three weeks, then hit by a truck in front of our home, sadly.

And,  we even raised a service pup for a year back in the 90's, named Gage.

When I adopted Tig nearly three years ago, Don said, "Ya know, you're moving into the "crazy dog lady" category with three at once.

I just laughed.

My rationale went something like this:
       1.  I've been really wanting an Aussie shepherd for a couple years....so different from the labs.  And, Brianne is exactly the kind of breeder I prefer to support.
       2.  Ginger is a "senior dog" about now, so Mac is going to need a young, active buddy for the next 7 or 8 years.

Who knew?  Who could've ever predicted this little nightmare we've been living the last 8 days?  I knew my days were quite limited with Ginger, but it happened so suddenly.  And, then....for Mac to become critically ill the next day?

Part of me is tempted to beat myself up over it.

Especially, Mac.

In hindsight, all the signs of the Lyme disease and the kidney troubles have been there for several weeks...maybe even a couple of months.  But, they were so subtle, and I've been so distracted and busy lately.  I never put the pieces of that puzzle together.

I have 13 years of memories with Ginger and just over six with Mac, so in that I am dearly blessed. Don has some fond memories of hunting with both dogs,.  And the kids...they basically grew up with Ginger and Mac!

Mac and Ginger thought they'd already gone to heaven when we moved up here...hours of playing, running and rolling in the woods, swimming in their own pond, chasing little critters, hiking with their "pack" at all kinds of cool parks...

But, already it feels so weird...I'm not accustomed to NOT tripping over dogs in the kitchen, or having all three of them beside me when no one else is home, or I'm not feeling well.  Not having them lying on the floor around the table at meals, hoping for a little scrap from someone... ehem, Don!

And, Tig has no clue how to be an "only dog".  I may have to find some doggie friends for him and set up playdates or something!  He is grieving as well, right now, so we'll have to address that in a few weeks.  For now, he's sticking very close to me....and to Grace when I can't be at home.

Darn it!  I'm supposed to be enjoying the fact that today is my last day in cosmetology school!  That I can, legally, practice cosmetology and get paid for it!  Yet, all I feel is this....heaviness.  The overbearing weight of sorrow...

I'm sure time will heal all of our hearts.  And, when that happens, at the right time, another sweet canine companion will come into our family.  For now, I will enjoy Tig's company to the fullest.

Thank you all for your many prayers.  For your understanding and empathy.  Dogs are not people, but they are still a big part of my family.  They have...and will continue to....enrich our lives in so many ways!

Thank you.  Rest in peace, Ginger and Mac.


  1. I loved all the beautiful photos in this post. I hope over time they bring you comfort as well. I have only recently begun to want to see pictures of Chloe. The pain does ease but we will always miss our special furry friends. You will be in my prayers. And just a thought....you might want to all be tested for Lyme, or at least vigilantly watch out for symptoms. Just to be safe.

    1. Thanks so much, Becky. Yes, I plan to have Tig tested for Lyme as soon as we get our large vet bill from Mac under control. And, the rest of us are hyper-aware of the possible symptoms, now. We'll be vigilantly applying the appropriate protection from ticks this spring and summer.
