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Jan 26, 2018

Nerves of Steel? Not This Girl.

Although, I am pretty good at faking it.

I fancy myself the "adventurous type", but in reality I am a bit of a homebody, lovin' my "comfort zone", living vicariously through the adventurous ones who flow in and out of my life.

And, of course, there's my dearly beloved husband....who has broaden my horizons over the years.  Together, we've shared some unique "adventures" that I never would've even considered had my answer been "no" that fateful evening over 22 years ago - ha, ha! 

So, I guess there must be a hint of that risk-taker's spirit deep inside me...a tiny piece of "traveler's heart", maybe?

Which is why, on and off through the years, I have prayed, "God, send me."

Although we have prayerfully and financially supported folks in the mission field, a little piece of me has always wanted to experience being a missionary, ministering to people in need somewhere else in the world....I never really wanted an overseas vacation, I wanted to witness, firsthand, the nitty-gritty of another lifestyle and culture, and have the opportunity to connect with people who lived far away from my relatively comfy life in the United States.

His answer seemed to be, "Not now." every time I brought it up.  I know He knows what is best for me, but I was a bit envious of those in my various church families who traversed  to all kinds of interesting places, meeting needs and sharing the love of Christ with folks far away, whether for a couple of years or months or even a week.

Well, finally, back in September 2017, while I prayed about our church's involvement, hopefully a long-term partnership, with this little village in Guatemala, God said, quite clearly, "Go."  Not, just to me, but he stirred Grace's heart, too.  Maybe, because the two of us tend to find strength in each other?!

Now that the trip is only two weeks away, I am getting very nervous about leaving my comfort zone!!  Oh, boy!  This one is going to stretch me, for sure.  I feel so ill-equipped.

The native language is Spanish, and I recall very little from my high school Spanish lessons.

We're supposed to be building a little school, and I am not very handy at all.

With so many other expenses in our lives right now, should I really be spending over $1,500 on this?

I am not a "traveler"; I have some minor, annoying physical health issues that may get in the way...

... I really want to take two full suitcases, but that's not allowed.

I mean, how the heck am I going to fit everything I could possibly need for a whole week into just a carry-on and and backpack?  What about my hair products?

(LOL, right?!)

I know....I'm ridiculous.  God gives me the opportunity I ask for, then my brain goes into overdrive, coming up with a thousand reasons why I should back out of it...

...I'm not going to, though.  I'm very glad to be sharing this experience with Grace.  We named her "Grace", not just because it happens to be the name of Don's great-great aunt, but because I considered her my "undeserved gift from God".  Here I was with healthy, active twin boys, and I desperately wanted a little girl...

I'm anticipating the wonderful ways she will grow through this experience, too!

On the homefront:

Don and the crew gathered a bunch of things from the storage unit last weekend, including our fave artwork and my farmhouse kitchen cabinet!

The two glass shelves of the cabinet suffered damage on the journey from New York, apparently, so Don promised to replace them as soon as he can.  I'm looking forward to pulling my pretty teapots and dishes out for display.

Don was finally able to at least begin "terra-forming", moving dirt to extend the driveway and grading the slope on which the house sits.  With great anticipation, I visualize the new grass growing and the flowerbeds we'll create come springtime!

And, this weekend, he and Nate will start on the girls' rooms.  Yay!

I'm lovin' how my great room is shaping up!  It's a comfy, creative space.  I bought these old apple crates about ten years ago for book storage, but I think they tie in nicely with my "farmhouse" theme, so we're using them as end tables and storage for our extensive movie collection.  We're hoping to find more crates at a local orchard or vineyard to build a unique coffee table, too!

I'll show you more in an upcoming post!

It's gonna be a busy few weeks, but I'll be sure to post pictures and share....especially about our trip to Guatemala!

Enjoy your weekend, Friends!

A porch on the front and a mudroom on the side will change the exterior look.  Watch for it this summer!

Jan 16, 2018

Living in a Construction Zone...

Handmade basket by my talented dear friend,
Andrea Rowinski!
........Is better than living in the camper!  Amen! 

...Is muddy!  And, a bit frustrating.  And, a serious test of patience.

I LOVE my new, adorable abode.  Even more so, now that we have set about sprucing it up and making it "homey".

Finding some pretty ceramic pots "on clearance" last weekend, we re-potted several house plants - always makes me feel better this time of the year!

Unfortunately, the weather, sickness within our family, other time commitments....did I mention this weird weather?...has thwarted our plans to both do the grade-work around the outside of the house, including the driveway/parking area, AND start the girls' bedrooms on the second floor.  While my girls are generally patient individuals (more patient than me, usually, anyway!),  they have been expressing some frustration - they've been waiting to have their own rooms for a few years now.

Don and I cannot truly empathize with them, since we both always had our own bedrooms, him being the only boy and oldest in his family, and me having only one younger sister.

In our family of four children, Grace and Rosie have shared a bedroom since Rosie's birth.  They have a great relationship, and each considers the other her best friend, in spite of...or, maybe, because of ...their quite different temperaments and preferences.  And, I believe they are much more prepared for future roommates and sharing space with others than I was when I went off to college.

That said, about 3 or 4 years ago, they began anticipating the day that both of their brothers would move out so that they could spread out and have their own space.  Space to quietly meditate and create, space to express their individual style, space to share with close girlfriends individually.

Pretty new pot!

We hoped to be able to make that happen in January.  But, here we are, in the middle of the month already, and we haven't even been able to start.  Ugh.  This also means that much of our belongings are still in our storage unit...including my three favorite pieces of artwork and my farmhouse-style china cabinet, as well as all of the girls bedroom furniture.

Today, it is snowing, but it sounds like our weather might cooperate for moving forward this weekend.  I sure hope so!  Would love to get out of this holding pattern!

One of the most challenging things about working in the salon industry, for me, at least, is working weekends. It means I often don't get to participate in this part of the progress. So, here's hoping Don and the girls, with Nate's help, will be able to work with what we've got this weekend.  Here's hoping it doesn't rain or snow, again!  

Our other beautiful find!

We definitely have our work cut out for us - Nate and Brook have expressed interest in having a country-themed wedding, outdoors...on our little farm! 

And, they'd like to have it in September of 2018!  Yikes!  That'll keep our farm renovations moving, eh?

Our recent visitors

Satine and Tilly with soft, fuzzy winter coats

Grace completed her high school requirements in December, so we've graduated her from the Westbrook Academy of Home Education on December 30th!  She is my third graduate.  Woohoo!  Such an intelligent young woman, wise beyond her years, full of creativity and wit.  I can't wait to see what God has in store for her next!

For the moment, she continues to work at Esposito's restaurant and explore her many interests.  Wisely, she doesn't want to rush into college too quickly wasting time and money.  She's doing her research, asking questions, praying, and being deliberate about her next adventure.  And, Hallelujah!, she passed her driver's exam recently, therefore...

...Her graduate gift from us, this yellow VW beetle, is like a little ray of sunshine sitting in our driveway!  Isn't it adorable?

Since it is manual transmission and Grace is still getting comfortable with that, I get to drive it around some days - LOVE IT! 😍

 I really don't need a big ole' "mom" car anymore, do I?  Heck!  My youngest, most strong-willed and determined child plans to have her license and a job by mid-May this year, sooo...

...Maybe my next car will be a VW beetle, too??  Hmmm...

In less than four weeks, Grace and I traverse to Guatemala with a team from our church, Timberline.  As a church family, we adopted an impoverished village.  Our church is working in conjunction with World Help ministries.

While we are going to serve others and equip others and build relationships, I am sure God has so much to teach me through this adventure.  I am praying that Christ will meet me (and Grace Olivia!)  where I'm at spiritually, emotionally, physically...wandering heart, distracted as I can be, lately...and grow my faith and my character as a woman of God.

Stay warm, dry, and safe these next 36 hours, Friends!  Sip your hot cocoa and watch the snow gently fall from your cozy home.  That's where I'll be!  Probably making lasagna, too.  

I'll post an update in a couple weeks...

Jan 3, 2018

Making a "House" a"Home"....

...That is our feminine calling...our innate desire.  Am I right, Ladies?  That desire comes naturally to all of us, yet is unique to each of us.  We each approach the task in our own special way.

No two homes are alike!

Now that we've been in this house for over a week, getting familiar with the space, the sunlight in each room as the day passes by, emptying some boxes into cabinets, moving a bit more furniture inside, I have begun the process of transforming this simple cape cod "house" into our cozy, inviting, long-term home.

Added a medicine cabinet and towel bar to the master bath!

Thankfully, I've had several days away from the salon this week with no other pertinent appointments to chop up my days, so Don and I have finally been able to purchase some needed items, and hang some things on these barren walls!

It's amazing what a little organization and décor can do.  It was looking a bit...sterile...institutional...in here that first week with NOTHING on the walls, no window coverings, and very little furniture. 

Window coverings for the bedrooms.

Better already!

Hall closet is way more organized!

Monday evening, on our drive home from a New Year's Day luncheon with extended family, Don, Grace, Rosie and I reflected upon the many...many... lessons we've learned or "re-learned" in 2017 through this move:

  >We've all grown in our ability to extend grace and forgiveness to one another, most importantly, since we've seen each other at our worst several times these last 7 months.  But, also, to those in our expanding sphere of influence.

     >We recognize God's helping hand over and over throughout this year, mostly through the people...the spiritual family He's provided us, that has uplifted and encouraged us, and also met many of our physical needs.  Sometimes, these folks would just show up during an hour of need... before we'd even realize we needed help sometimes!

      >We've learned the importance of not judging another based upon outward appearances alone.

      >We have a better understanding of "NEEDS" versus "WANTS".

      >We've learned how to find joy and pleasure in the little things, and in those commonplace, "everyday" moments.

      >The importance of laughing together has been reinforced over and over.

      >Creating positive memories with the ones you love, even in difficult situations, is paramount. It builds up your "reserves".  And, someday, that may be all you have.

     >  My girls are PROS at making difficult situations more bearable; finding that silver lining in the cloud!

    >  And, when all else fails, "Fake it 'til you Make it!"

We've also learned that restaurant food and fast food gets really old, really fast...

That the showers at the gym may SEEM really clean, but protect yourself from athlete's foot with rubber flip-flops anyway...

Always keep 3 or 4 gallons of fresh, unfrozen water close at hand...

And, there's a couple of tricks to keeping those camper potties working properly..,. (I won't bore you or gross you out with THOSE details!)
Little hooks help tremendousl

Turning a house into one's home does not happen overnight.  Nor is it solely about what one hangs on the walls or sets about the floor space.  There's MUCH more to it, as many of you know.

In the "physical location"- sense, this is home # 8 in 23 years for us (not counting the campers!).  Once upon a time, about three moves ago, someone said to me, "Don't you think its time you and Don put down some roots somewhere?  The kids need roots."

Well, quite honestly, they've always had "roots"...WE"VE had roots... all along - we are deeply rooted in our faith and our spiritual family.  We are rooted in our relationship with God and our relationships with each other, in our values... in our sense of purpose.

And, each house that we've made our home holds special memories.  At each one, we've made special friends that we never would've met had we stayed in the same spot, way back at home #4.  Many life-changing lessons have been learned from each move, and opportunities for growth, new experiences, and new beginnings presented themselves because of our changes of location.

Has it been easy?  Heck, no!  Has it been worth it?  I believe it has.  I believe I am stronger and wiser and more resilient from it.  I am more aware...more sensitive to what and who is around me.

Look who claimed real estate under the king-sized bed!

Nate asked Brook to marry him on New Year's eve.  Wow!  He bought a gorgeous ring, got down on one knee, and everything!  It is surreal to me: It just doesn't seem its been that long since we celebrated our twins' first New Year's eve - I'm sure we didn't see midnight that year! Probably headed to bed ASAP, thanks to "new parent exhaustion"!  

Are they really ready for this at only 21? Then, again, is anyone ever truly "ready"?  Well, I  was 21 and Don was 20 when we got married....only 23 when I had the boys...

...More reflections on that later!  I need some more time to process it!!

...2018 will have plenty of excitement of it's own, it seems!

Hope you all enjoyed your New Year celebrations, and I'm praying you all have a blessed, healthy and joyous year!

Watch for an update later this month...