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Jul 12, 2018

Behind the Chair And More

Blogging is a flexible hobby, thankfully.  During this busy season of my life, I don't have as much time to sit, reflect, and compose as I once did.  But, I do still take MANY photos, capturing a plethora of moments from the quiet and serene to the action-packed affairs that fill our lives here at Dealan-De Farm.

We've been back in PA for over a year.  The pace of life right now is definitely more frenetic than it was during our years in little ole Homer, New York.  Less quiet afternoons wandering through the woods, more time commitments and activity.  We have settled into a fairly steady rhythm, though.

When I turned 30...ehem...too many years ago...I developed a heart for young women in that 17 to 24-year range.  Those can be some tough, challenging years to navigate, I know firsthand. Finding oneself.  I thought I would love to mentor, encourage and even inspire young women by becoming a youth leader at church.  That door, however, never opened for me.

Instead, I became a hairstylist at 40.

Now, more than ten years after those first stirrings in my heart, I happen to work with young women everyday - both my fellow stylists, and some of my salon guests!

A couple of weeks ago, Don prompted me to think about my goals and plans in my new career...

...He was thinking more about financial gain and position...He encouraged me to consider other options besides working in this corporate-owned salon.

The more I dwelt upon it, however, the more I realized, "I am here for a reason and I am not supposed to go anywhere right now."  Last weekend, a young mom, pregnant with her second child, sat in my chair for some highlights.  She's going through some rough stuff with her fiance and feeling defeated.  I was able to encourage her and offer some positivity.  I keep her in my prayers even after our time together.  How cool is that?  God orchestrates these meetings, I'm sure, and I'm so humbled that He chooses me to be His tool sometimes.  If I want to fulfill my heart's desire to pour into the next generation of  women (truly, women of all ages), then I am in the perfect place!  And, I feel like I can be far more effective where I am, behind the chair, than I ever would've been as a youth leader in a church.

Switching gears now, I want to share some photos of fun things we've been doing lately, from visiting a Celtic Festival a few weeks ago to celebrating Independence Day at one of my fave places, Buttonwood Beach down by the Chesapeake Bay to an afternoon hike with Rosemary, and of course, one more kitten photo...

This celtic musical group, all siblings, was terrific!

Couldn't leave the festival without something!  This pretty plaid wrap is a gift from my hubby!

With the wedding only about two months away, we figured it was a good time to introduce Brook to Buttonwood Beach, where Nate spent quite a bit of time with me, his siblings and my Dad during his childhood.  It was high time she met Nate's other crazy cool grandparents, my mom and dad, too!

What a lovely day that was!

Hiking with my daughters and my dogs has been a cherished pastime over the last decade.  However, this summer, between our work and school schedules, plus my commitment to the community theater, we rarely get a chance to get out together lately.

Today, Rosie and I made it happen!  Sure, it was a little warm and buggy, but we enjoyed exploring a new park.  And, Rosie was thrilled to note that horseback riding is allowed here, so I'm sure we'll be back.

There is an old abandoned building covered in graffiti at the start of this trail, then the path is covered in raspberry bushes.  I should've brought a basket for the berries!

And, finally, I have about one more week of the "kitten invasion".  Having Mickey's litter in the house has been AWESOME!  They are sweet and cuddly and sooo entertaining.  Nothing like kittens to reduce stress and soften the soul.

The opening night of Mary Poppins is just one week away - Yikes!  My work is mostly finished, of course.  Just helping out with the finishing touches.  I am proud of our ensemble and I know they will put on a terrific show next weekend.

Keep watching my blog for a special surprise coming up....more than one,  in fact.

Grace's goats will have their kids next month, so more adorable animal pics to share.  We are 90% sure that at least one of them is carrying twins!

This guy is beat from our hike today!  

1 comment:

  1. HI Jennifer...sorry you weren't home when my wife an I stopped by the other week.
    The kittens are sooo cute ! We ultimately found two in Lancaster that had all their shots, tags...etc. done and were a bit older than you cuties ! Thanks so much for letting us see them.
