I say "almost" because, in my mind, when I see the professional mason out there, building the new foundation, that's when we will truly be in the homestretch...the final countdown to our new abode.
Fall has been pleasant and mild for us, thus far. And, now the leaves are changing to bright gold, burnt orange, and various lovely shades of red. Praying fervently that it stays that way for a few more weeks...like five, maybe?
The leaves above our camper look beautiful! |
I hope that's not asking for too much. We've been hanging in, probably living more comfortably than 85% of the people in this world, in our little campers. We've had lots of ups and downs, emotionally, mentally, physically...even spiritually.
The path between ours and our daughters' camper, now VERY well-worn (and kinda muddy), is evidence that we've been here for several months...5 months and 16 days to be exact.
Don, with our son, Nate's help, has the site of our new house almost completely prepped, and we should have more concrete dates for everything by early next week.
One little snafu that I did not mention to you previously...the house cannot be brought in the main entrance to our property because the humongous rig simply cannot turn into our narrow driveway from the narrow road on which we live.
We share a driveway with a couple of neighbors, as we have a sort of "flag lot", I guess you'd call it....our property is kinda sandwiched in between two other properties and two country roads. Fortunately, the road on the other side is wider and our neighbor is going to allow us to bring the house up his private drive and down to our property...on one condition: Don has to chop down and mill several pine trees for him.
Good thing we still have that sawmill he bought a couple years ago!
In fact, the rig cannot get in here UNTIL those pines are removed, so I guess Don still has some significant prep-work to do afterall! Oye! Gonna be a busy 5 or 6 weeks around here.
Our goats are fat and fuzzy for winter!
Despite my initial protests, I admit - they are entertaining! And, they ARE doing a great job at clearing the property of the weeds and brush. We move their pen every 4 or 5 days to graze off an area.
As soon as we can permanently-fence the lower pasture with "goat-proof" fencing, they'll go out there with the horses.
Blogging about all of this...this whole, crazy, sometimes obnoxious, often challenging adventure...has helped me to maintain some semblance of sanity and perspective. To "vent" on occasion... and rejoice. (I own that I can be snarky sometimes- where do ya think Grace gets it!) Some days, I have a fairly positive attitude towards the whole thing. Some days, my mantra is "Fake it 'til ya make it!"
Thanks for following my posts through our highs and lows!
Some of you have asked about coming over to watch how they get the house in place. I'm told that it is going to take an entire, tedious, 8-hour workday just to get it from the road to our home site, so you'd likely be bored to tears! In fact, I'm not even planning to take off from work that day.
However, the following several days will be a bit more exciting, so I'll post some photos and videos....and, a few of you may be able to come out and witness some of the live event. I'll let ya know!
So, in my next blog post, I hope to be able to share a more fixed timeline with you, as well as a few more pics of the prep-work "in-progress" !