Oct. 12, 2015 in NY |
Oct. 10th, 2017 in PA. Just a touch of color so far! |
Enduring...That's where we're at, Folks. We moved to PA, into our mini-campground on May 10th thinking we'd be moving into our HOUSE come early-October...
And, about a week ago we learned that our "move-in" date will actually be early-December.
We must, quite literally, take one day at a time.
Some days, tension between the four of us runs high in our tiny living space, especially the times when all four of us are home!
We had a couple of weeks recently in which the gnats and biting insects made it impossible to use our outdoor living space for more than a few minutes, so you can imagine how it went when Don wanted to chill out and watch a movie, I wanted to clean and organize our indoor space and one of the girls wanted to fix a snack in our itty-bitty kitchen space... Add two dogs sprawled out on the floor, and things get pretty dicey around here!
Thankfully, the bugs are dying off with these cool nights and drier weather.
I've had a few folks express concerns about us being warm enough in the campers - not to worry - both have good heaters, and we'll be just fine as long as it stays above 30 degrees for the next 7 weeks or so!
We've been trying to enjoy each other's company with meals out, hikes, shopping expeditions and even a beautiful wedding recently! We've also spent some afternoons and evenings with good friends.
My struggles with PMDD do flare up at times despite the medication, but we joined a gym a few weeks ago and we're all working on developing healthier eating habits as best we can under the circumstances.
The trainers at the gym are very helpful, and I've been able to join a couple of yoga classes, too. But, hands down, the best part of the gym is the nice, big, bright, clean showers! Now, we can take long, hot showers a few times a week after our workout - It's heavenly!
Don has begun the excavation work in preparation for the new foundation. The mason will be coming in another week to lay it all out. Yay! Progress I can actually see! Some days it is really hard for me to trust that somewhere construction folks are already actively building my house...I kinda wish I could just drive out to that big warehouse (not even sure where it is!) just to prove to my concrete brain that it IS really happening.
Also, Grace and I are hoping to participate in a missions trip to Guatemala with our Timberline Church family in 2018, so some extra income will be very useful.
Today is Wednesday, and my day off. So, enough is enough from me today - Rosie and I are taking the dogs down to French Creek State Park for a vigorous hike and, hopefully, some nice photos, so stay tuned for those, Friends! And, watch for updates as we prep for our new house!
What a story God has given you! Can’t wait to see it all come together!