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Nov 26, 2018

Have You Decorated for the Christmas Season,Yet?

This from the woman who frequently procrastinates until the second weekend in December...LOL!

Since last year, we moved into our new house on December 20-something (after 7 months in campers!), we really didn't "holiday decorate" at all.  Just a couple of poinsettia plants around our sparse living room.

Not even a tree.  

Heck, we were just happy for the walls, floors, doors and flushing toilets!  

I can hardly believe how quickly this year has gone by.  Wow! 

So, this year, we were determined to put some extra umph! into our seasonal home decor...Don assigned himself to outdoor lighting and pizzaz, while I have been focusing indoors.  I believe he's completed his part, as many of you saw in my little video on Facebook and Instagram a few days ago.  While I had envisioned more Longwood Gardens-type decorations outside....Don had other ideas.  He sure had fun and made us laugh, though!  Can't beat that!

Love this one! (I will be so glad when my walls have some color.  Soon!)

I'm going for the "country farmhouse" feel indoors.  Some of our decorations did not survive this move and others just looked...worn out..."dated".  Honestly, I was ready to buy some new things.  I've had fun these last two weeks gathering new things from A.C.Moore, Michael's, and Target.  Even more fun these last three days arranging things and decorating!  Almost there...just one shelf and the tree to go!

In other news, I've continued to implement changes in my diet.  Still focusing on the ones I mentioned in my last post, though I have added tomato sauce back in with no ill effects.  I just bought organic sauce with no added sugar or other crap.  And, I can do salsa, so long as I watch for hidden sugars and thickeners, too.  Always reading those labels!

The more I read, the more I realize just how important eating habits and gut health are to brain health.  Amazing design by an amazing Designer, for sure!  

Sweets and simple carbs have such a detrimental affect on both.  No wonder I have been struggling with mood swings, brain fog, and mental fatigue these last couple of years!

Those healthy fats are so important.  Instead of salad dressing, I have discovered that I enjoy my salads just as much with avocado oil and a splash of apple cider vinegar.  I munch on a handful of walnuts when I get a snack craving in the afternoon.  I use coconut milk and coconut oil generously in my meal prep.

After 5 weeks of this...cutting out the sugar and bread, adding in the good fats... there's a big difference in my mental clarity.  Hmmm...if this is working for me, I wonder...Could this help folks with Huntington's disease, like my mother-in-law?  Definitely planning to share what I've discovered with my extended family!

Each day when I awake, I have to make up my mind that I am going to avoid consuming those things that will ultimately make me feel poorly.  I've been doing fairly well so far, but Thanksgiving Day was an epic failure.  I felt HORRID the day after.  A good reminder and motivator for why I am making these changes, that's for sure!

I am actually enjoying trying new recipes and experimenting with different ingredients.  Sometimes my family is "on board", sometimes NOT.  We're working through it together, at least.

Enjoy your home-decorating, Friends!  

I look forward to seeing all those Christmas tree photos on Facebook and Instagram.  We'll certainly share ours, too.

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