...As my own has been on my mind...A LOT... these last 4 months or so. I feel like health, wellness, and diet have been the trendy, "hot topics" for the last 10 years, but maybe its ALWAYS been that way for my current demographic...36-50 years old, middle class, perimenopausal female.
It's that stage in life during which our previous lifestyle habits and our genetics begin to catch up with us...often, in uncomfortable ways...sometimes even crippling or life-threatening ways.
During the course of the last five years or so I have read countless "diet" books from The Maker's Diet and The Daniel Plan to The Paleo Diet and Trim, Healthy Mama...as I slowly and steadily gained 12 pounds.
All of them share this one truth in common that most of us, subconsciously, don't want to accept: Sugar, simple carbs, are not only highly addictive, but also do a GREAT deal of damage to our bodies and minds!
Secondly, whole foods are always heads and shoulders above any processed foods.
Thirdly, fat is not evil. On the contrary, good healthy fats, like that from avocados, walnuts, olives, salmon and such, is SUPER important for brain function, heart health and our body's first defense, our skin.
Fourthly, Portions Matter. Even if you already eat a relatively healthy, clean diet, you must still be conscious of your portions. Eating half of a 16oz. bag of walnuts for a snack is NOT GOOD!
Finally, drinking plenty of plain old water is essential! MOST of us don't drink enough.
I've "connected dots" these last few months....
....With very little help from conventional wisdom and doctors, but rather with the assistance of my acupuncturist, a few women who've overcome health issues similar to mine, and MANY hours of my own research.
For instance, the digestive system contains as many neurotransmitters as the brain and is responsible for producing 90% of the body's serotonin. Our gut is known as our second brain!
In addition to the "women's health" issues that I've been dealing with for nearly 5 years now, my digestive health has been slowly sliding downhill. So slowly, in fact, that I had almost accepted the uncomfortable bloating and painful gas as "normal" for my age. But, then, the heartburn began. I felt terribly uncomfortable, even after small meals. I couldn't understand how I still felt so full and uncomfortable after cutting my portions almost by half. (Of course, I was "grazing" between meals, which probably wasn't helping!) Couldn't understand how I wasn't losing much weight, either.
Then, I went through my month-long drag in August- extreme fatigue, joint-pain, TMJ, muscle soreness, along with my digestive discomforts. OYE!
Pretty bush in California! |
I had to face facts after a good conversation with my acupuncturist: I was hopelessly addicted to sugary drinks, bread, pasta, cheese and ice cream. My diet had become atrocious! Although...Was I really eating all that differently than I had most of my life?
Clearly, my eating habits of the last twenty years were catching up with me.
Even the organic foods and supposed "health foods" I began to purchase in place of the obvious saboteurs were chock-full of simple carbs and added sugars disguised by names like "dextrose", "malt syrup", and "evaporated cane juice".
I set about cutting the sugar out of my diet. (An on-going struggle, indeed!) Including most fruits, too. Even though that helped, I still felt pretty yucky. Apparently, I have some food sensitivities going on as well. So, I've eliminated all wheat products, all dairy, and most nightshade veggies for the time being. I have become a crazy woman about reading labels at the grocery store!
I know I have...have probably had for several years... low stomach acid, and I strongly suspect I have a leaky gut. Many Americans suffer from leaky gut, largely due to our awful American diet, stress, and candida overgrowth due to taking too many antibiotics!
Symptoms range from headaches and brain fog to IBS and acid reflux to allergies and joint pain.
First order of business: Find a good probiotic to take daily, as well as an appropriate vitamin supplement.
A lengthy conversation with an apothecary in California led me to beautiful, wonderful bitters. A lifesaver. I take a dropper-full or two of digestive bitters about 10 minutes before I eat - no more heartburn! (Unless I ingest dairy - then nothing helps.) No more acid-taste in my mouth between meals.
GREATLY reduced sugar cravings. Phew!
I've also added sauerkraut, kimchi and a few other fermented foods to my daily meals. It doesn't take much - just two to three tablespoons once or twice a day! I am planning to try making my own coconut milk kefir, too.
I am learning to make my own, but these are a great start! |
Additionally, two 8 oz. mugs of bone broth each day - full of collagen, glucosamine, amino acids. Good for the gut. Good for joints.
In all my reading these last few years, I have also realized the absolute necessity of moderate exercise. Not fanatical, super-athlete exercise. Not just "take a leisurely 30-minute walk on Sunday afternoons" exercise. But, a solid 30-40 minutes of "git yer heart-pumpin' " exercise three to five times per week.
I began feeling better just by swimming laps for 30 minutes four times per week!
I'm only on week #4 of all these dietary changes, so I am still learning and working my way through it. However, I do feel much better already. And, while weight loss is not my main goal at this time, I have lost 5 pounds and a couple of inches - Yes! And, my skin looks terrific!
I'll share a health update next month - this holiday season is going to be tricky for me!
Next Post: Decorating for the Christmas season in our one-year-old house!
Good job Jen!