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Jul 11, 2017

"Lying Low" For a Moment or So

These dogs have THE life!

That's what we're doing today...in fact, for the last few...

And, on through this week, too, thanks to a couple of us feeling a tad under the weather.

Don's been very busy at work, even throughout the weekend because he's been "on call" and problems arose in which clients needed immediate assistance...There are things one can do without, but a functioning septic system is NOT one of them!

Penny's a good distraction from her pain!

Last week we had the opportunity to go swimming a few times, which was delightful!  One unfortunate consequence - very painful swimmer's ear for Rosie.  Well, at least now we know where to find our local Urgent Care center.

This, along with some other family health concerns presently, prompted me to begin navigating the local health care system, which is quite different from our New York experience.  Many more choices and decisions.  Completely different health insurance.

Grace's oral surgery consultation for wisdom teeth extraction is scheduled and a tentative date for the procedure chosen - YIKES!  Only a few weeks away!

While we haven't chosen a church to attend near our new home, we did make the hour drive to our former PA church, Timberline, on Sunday.  We had a wonderful time catching up with old friends and making a couple of new ones.  We hope to make it down there more regularly now that we're sorta settled in.

I've been reviewing for the PA cosmetology exam every spare moment these last few days...less than 48 hours to go!  I'm feeling fairly confident, but I'm not allowing myself to get overly confident...I'm gonna keep reviewing right up 'til I hop in the car on Thursday!  Don says I'm one of the nerdiest people he's ever known - I'll take that as a compliment!

Anyhow, I am inspired to pass it ASAP because I have been offered a stylist position at the Holiday Hair salon (Regis Corp., again) just under 5 miles from me!

An easy, short commute, part-time hours, the other stylists seem very nice...Yup...time to get back in the game...or rather, behind the chair.  If all goes well, I'll start before the end of this month.

I really do appreciate all your prayers and positive thoughts.  I'm feeling a bit like it's going to take a miracle to complete our house by Thanksgiving...

...But, my God IS a God of miracles, so it's not out of the realm of possibilities.  I choose (most days) to hold onto hope.  While my faith may sometimes waiver, though, God's character does not!  I'm sure HE has a provision, no matter how this thing goes.

Hope you enjoy viewing my blog pictures as much as I enjoy taking them!  Watch for an update on the house next week, Friends.

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